Daniele Gardy


I am a member of the David lab at the university of Versailles-Saint Quentin.
My research interests lie in the analysis of algorithms with its various applications, and in analytic combinatorics which give a powerful set of mathematical tools for these algorithm analyses.
My early research was on analyzing parameters of databases (I recently went back to it, for an analysis of B-trees) and on random allocations. I then developed a special interest in quantitative logic, where we look at random logical formulae and lambda-terms from a statistical point of view. This naturally involves satisfiability problems; from there the transition to analyzing the performance of constraint solvers and constraint programming, is quite natural. Another tool that comes handy when modelling satisfiability problems is graphs, and I investigate questions related to the number of occurrence of patterns.


Some of the projects in which I have been involved in the past are the French ANR Blanc Boole project (2009-13), of which I was the coordinator, and bilateral european projects (PHC): several Amadeus projects with the team Combinatorics and Algorithms at the DMG institute of T.U. Wien (Austria); and two Polonium projects (2007-08 and 2011-12) with the TCS team at Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland). During the academic year 2012-13, I was on a temporary position at CNRS (délégation), which I spent as a long-term visitor at the Department of Discrete Mathematics and Geometry (DMG) at TU Wien.
I was also a member of the bilateral ANR project Metaconc (2015--19) headed by Olivier Bodini (France) and Hsien-Kuei Hwang (Taiwan), and of the PICS project ACCA (2017--19), headed by Vlady Ravelomanana.
I was a co-organiser of the 14th CLA (Computational Logic and Applications) workshop, which took place on July 1-2, 2019 at Versailles University.


In the course of a long-term collaboration with Brigitte Chauvin (LMV, Versailles) and Julien Clément (GREYC, Caen), we have written a book (published by Springer in 2019, in French) on the various tree structures that occur in the analysis of algorithms; their analysis is presented jointly through analytic combinatorics and probability tools.
You can find here my list of publications with sources for most papers and talks, and there its (possibly incomplete) version according to DBLP. Some research papers (including our book) are also available on Hal.

Former PhD students

Recent and current collaborators


The Analysis of Algorithms (AofA) page
The French GDR IM
The French Alea group
The Alea in Europe network


I was a professor of Computer Science at the Computer Science department (http://info.iut-velizy.uvsq.fr/) of the IUT of Velizy (http://www.iut-velizy.uvsq.fr/), which is part of the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin. I taught mostly programming and algorithms.


David Lab, UFR of Sciences, University of Versailles-Saint Quentin. 45 avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles (cedex). France

mail : prenom_dot_nom_at_uvsq_dot_fr